North East and North Cumbria
ICS Formulary
14 Immunological products and vaccines

Please refer to the Public Health England Green Book on vaccines for the most up to date information on the recommended preparations and use.

The use of travel vaccines in primary care is not recommended in line with NHS England Guidance on items which should not routinely be prescribed in primary care

14-04 Yellow fever vaccine

Yellow fever vaccine (Live)

Only available from designated Yellow Fever Vaccination Centres.

Link  MHRA Drug Safety Update (April 2019): Yellow fever vaccine (Stamaril) and fatal adverse reactions: extreme caution needed in people who may be immunosuppressed and those 60 years and older
Link  MHRA Drug Safety Update (Nov 2019): Yellow fever vaccine: stronger precautions in people with weakened immunity and in those aged 60 years or older
Link  MHRA Drug Safety Update (Nov 2021): Yellow fever vaccine (Stamaril): new pre-vaccination checklist

Green View adult BNF  View SPC online  View childrens BNF